Stripe is a payment gateway used by major e-commerce stores and other businesses with an online presence. One of Stripe’s strong points is its seamless transaction process which makes payment very swift.
Does Stripe Work in Nigeria?
No, Stripe doesn’t yet work in Nigeria. There are several other payment gateways you can use and most are native to Nigeria. One of such platforms is Paystack which was acquired by Stripe. With Stripe as its parent company, you can expect seamless payment integration on your website.
Another interesting thing about Paystack is that you don’t need a website to receive payment. You can use their payments pages or you can use invoices.
How to Set Up Your Paystack Account
Creating a Paystack account and integrating it into your website cost you nothing, except a few minutes of your time.
1. Create an account
You can visit or click on this link to create your account. You’ll need to input certain info, such as your name, address, email, and so on. You’ll also have to choose if you’re a software developer or not. Then proceed.
2. Provide required info
Your account has now been created but you’ll need to submit more information about yourself and your business. On the new page that appears, you’ll be asked for more detailed information, submit them and your account will be finalized.
You’ll be directed to your dashboard. All you can do for now is testing your integration with the product suite because you’re in test mode, so you can’t receive real money. You’ll need to activate your account before it is Live and can start accepting real money from customers. You can click on this link to start the activation
There are two methods you can use to set up the Live Mode— Paystack Starter Businesses and Paystack Registered Businesses.
How to Activate Paystack Starter Business?
Activating the Paystack starter business integration will allow you to start accepting real money. There is a compliance form on your dashboard which you’ll have to fill and submit. You’ll see it among the options on your dashboard. The compliance page has four main sections (Profile, Contact, Personal info, Payment info)
Paystack Starter Business has a 2 million naira limit. This is what differentiates it from Paystack Registered Businesses because it’s a limiting factor.
1. Profile
- trading name – the official name of your business which will be displayed on the checkout page and receipt sent to customers.
- staff size – number of employees or staff your business has.
- industry – the industry your business belongs to (if you’re not certain of the industry you can click on the Help link during registration for more information)
- category – depending on your industry, you’ll have to choose a category within the industry (if you’re not certain of the category you can click on the Help link during registration for more information)
- business type – signify that your business is a starter business (give a detailed description so your business activation won’t be delayed.
2. Contact details
- business email – input your general business email address for transaction notifications.
- support email – the email address for receiving customer support requests and complaints.
- dispute email – alerts from charges disputed by banks will be sent here (make sure you respond to transaction dispute before they expire)
- phone number – your business phone number.
- website link – your business website (you can also input links to your Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter pages)
- office address – your current office address
- registered address – your official business address as shown in your registration documents.
After inputting all this info, click on save.
3. Personal info
Write about yourself as a business owner. You’ll provide info such as your name, date of birth, nationality, and identification method.
4. Payment info
Provide info on your payout account. The account must be a personal account.
After completing the four sections, you’ll click on “activate business”. Your business will automatically go live and now you’ll receive real payments from customers.
How to Activate Paystack Registered Business?
The way to set up a Paystack registered business is also similar to a Paystack starter business. You will follow the steps above from step 1 to step 3. For step 4, which is the Payment info, what you’ll input is different from that of the Paystack starter business.
With Paystack Registered Business, you’ll receive beyond 2 million naira, making it a suitable choice for big businesses.
1. Payment
The account you provide must be a corporate bank account that has the same name as the printed name on your business registration document.
2. Documents
You’ll provide your business registration documents to verify your business. After inputting it, click on save.
You’ll see “activate business”, click on it. Your business will automatically go live and real payments can now be accepted.
Before Stripe acquired Paystack, the latter has been offering an impressive service and has had wide adoption. Presently, it’s under Stripe management, so you’ll be getting the impressive service that made you consider Stripe, without you having an account on Stripe.