About Us

Information overload is one of the biggest problems you’d face when it comes to finding important stuff online. Each search result returns so many similar links that you’re not sure which one to click.

Even after clicking each link, finding the exact information or answer you’re looking for becomes a huge challenge. And when you exit that page to check other links on the search results page, you find that it’s the same experience. It can be quite frustrating, especially when you need certain information quite urgently.

All of that frustration can be doubled when it comes to searching for quick answers or information about Nigeria or Nigerians. Most of the websites and blogs that provide answers to questions about Nigeria-related stuff feature tons of fluff and highly unreliable information. It’s bad enough that the specific information you want is hard to get most of the time. But it’s worse that you can’t even rely on what you’d eventually get.

Enter VitalQueries.Com!

This website was created in mid-2021 with the aim of providing brief, yet detailed and correct answers to questions that Nigerians are asking online — about Nigeria and everything in or around the country. Our style is to provide a quick summarised answer that users who are in a hurry can bank on, and then provide more details that offer value to the user.

The information featured on vitalqueries.com has been thoroughly researched and verified for correctness and accuracy. We understand, however, that certain pieces of information change quickly. So, we do our best to check and review our content constantly, and update wherever and whenever necessary.

The website is owned and maintained by a team of Nigerian researchers and netpreneurs who are on a mission to make it one of the Internet’s most reliable sources of information and quick answers to questions about Nigeria and anything related to the country. The generates income through ads strategically placed within its content.

For feedback or enquiries, you can contact the Chief Editor by sending an email to: basicfreelance [AT] gmail [dot] com.