Ginger Farming in Nigeria: How to Start

Ginger is a highly medicinal food item that has been consumed for several centuries. This food item is renowned for the immense health benefits that it provides. Are you planning to start ginger farming in Nigeria? This post should provide the guidance that you seek.

It is no secret that Nigeria is blessed with very fertile land. Because of this, agriculture has always been one of the mainstays of our economy. One agricultural business that has grown in popularity in recent times is ginger farming. Continue reading this to find out how to start ginger farming in Nigeria.

Introducing Ginger

Before we discuss ginger farming in Nigeria, it is ideal to first introduce you to this food item. Ginger is a herb that has been popularized for its medicinal properties for several centuries. This herb is known botanically as Zingiber officinale.

Asides from its medicinal properties, this herb is also consumed as a spice. Many Nigerian meals have ginger as part of the main ingredients. While we can trace ginger’s origin to Southern Asia, it has since spread around the world, including Nigeria.

Today, ginger is cultivated in different parts of Nigeria. It is one of Nigeria’s biggest cash crop exports currently. Nigeria is the fourth biggest exporter of ginger in the world. Do you now see that you can make a fortune from ginger farming in Nigeria?

Factors to Consider Before You Start Ginger Farming in Nigeria

Ginger farming in Nigeria is highly profitable. Once you get it right, you can rest assured of profit from your endeavors. The good news is that you can either sell your products in the local market or export to foreign countries.

Despite having a very high-profit potential, there are certain factors you must consider before starting a ginger farm in Nigeria. We will discuss some of these factors in this section.

Soil quality

The most important factor to consider when starting a ginger farm is soil quality. Poor soil translates to terrible produce and a loss to the entrepreneur. This is why you must first consider the soil before you start your ginger farm.

Ginger rhizomes require moist, rich, and loose soil to thrive. They also do better in slightly acidic soils with a pH of between 5.5 and 6.5. The soil should also have a high water-draining capacity. This way, it does not retain too much water so that the rhizomes are not waterlogged.

Environment and weather

Another very important factor that you must consider is the environment. Even if the soil is perfect, if the environment does not support the cultivation of ginger, you will have a poor yield.

While ginger needs sunlight to thrive, the sunlight should hit the crops directly. Instead, you need a place with tree cover or shelter so that the sunrays don’t affect your crops.

You should also choose a location with sufficient water for the plants. If the water supply is poor, you can invest in an efficient irrigation system or manual water delivery.

Season of the year

The third factor to consider before starting a ginger farm is the season of the year. Ginger thrives best when you plant it two to three weeks before the rains arrive. Experts warn that excessive rainfall can affect the quality of your crops. As such, you should consider a location with medium levels of rainfall.

How to Start Ginger Farming in Nigeria

Great job so far, you now know what ginger is, and the factors to consider before starting a ginger farm in Nigeria. Now, let’s show you the steps to follow to start ginger farming in Nigeria. Check the steps below:

Prepare the land

As expected, the first step to starting your ginger farm is to clear your land. Rid the land of unwanted trees, shrubs, and grasses. You don’t want these things competing with your ginger for nutrients and land space.

Once you are done clearing the land, till the land to prepare the beds for your ginger. The ideal bed height is 15 centimeters while the width should be around 1 meter. Also, you should leave about 20 centimeters between the two beds.

Collect your ginger for planting

Ensure that you only collect ginger that is from good stock for your planting. This means that the stock should be resilient and free from disease. Make sure that the ginger you collect is yellowish. If it does not have this color, leave it to stay for between 3 and 7 days.

Experts suggest that you cut the ginger before planting. Some farmers plant directly, and you can do the same if you are not up for the cutting process. If you prefer to cut the rhizome, do it between 2 and 3 weeks before planting. Also, ensure that each cutting has an eye and weighs between 4 and 6 kg.


Open up small holes in each bed and bury a rhizome. The holes should be about 8 cm deep. Ensure that the bud of each rhizome is pointing upward. Also, make sure that you leave about 30 cm between each plant.

Adding fertilizer

A key aspect of ginger farming is adding fertilizer. You can either use animal dung or inorganic fertilizer. Apply the fertilizer between the fifth and sixth weeks after planting. If you are going to use inorganic fertilizer, ensure that it has the perfect mix of phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium.


Ginger is ready for harvesting between 8 and 10 months after planting. If you planted at the beginning of the rainy season, this should be around October. You may harvest your ginger at 6 months if you need it fresh.

After harvesting, you can choose to store your ginger fresh or dry. You should store fresh ginger in a cool and dry location.


That’s it for how to start ginger farming in Nigeria. This post has explained what ginger is, factors to consider before you start ginger farming, and the steps to follow Do you have any questions? Kindly drop them in the comments section below.