Which HMO is the Best in Nigeria?

Having an HMO for you and your family is necessary because health complications are usually unexpected when they happen, and it could be disastrous to you and your family. To save yourself self from financial-draining medical bills, you need to have an HMO, and it must be picked carefully.

Which HMO is the Best in Nigeria?

There are several HMOs and the majority of them offer good service. However, Hygeia is still the best out of all HMOs in Nigeria. This company has been around for more than 30 years, and its track record since then has been great.

We will also offer you a list of other good HMOs in Nigeria with descriptions so that you can choose the ones that align with your desires.

1. Hygeia HMO

This is the leading HMO in Nigeria, and one of the best. It has been operating since 1986. It’s a company well known for an excellent automated system of operation, swift customer care service, and they offer a great experience to their customers. Being one of the best means they offer great hospital options.

They offer their services to individuals and corporate health needs. They cover different services which are divisible into two.

  1. primary care providers like general practitioners (GPS)
  2. secondary care specialists like physiotherapists, dentists, E.N.T practitioners, among others.

Hygeia HMO also offers a variety of plans, so you’ll definitely find one that suits your needs. Their plans include —

  • Personal Plan: This is suitable for individual, pregnant women, families, senior citizens, etc
  • SME Plan: There are two categories under this plan (HyStarter and HyStarter Premium)
  • Corporate Plan: There are several categories for this plan. They include HyLite, HyBrid, HyValue, HyEnhanced, and HyLeague.

2. Mansard HMO

This is a member of the AXA Group which is a leader in asset management And insurance worldwide, with over 166,000 employees serving 107 million clients, and they offer their services in 64 countries.

This HMO company was incorporated in 1989, and it became a private limited liability company. It is registered as a composite company with the National Insurance Commission of Nigeria (NAICOM).

Mansard provides life and non-life insurance products and service. Their offers are available to both individuals and institutions within Nigeria. This company offers health management services, asset/investment management services, and pension fund administration. It offers its services via three subsidiaries AXA Mansard Health Limited, AXA Mansard Investments Limited, AXA Mansard Pensions Limited.

If you are a business owner and you’re looking for an HMO that offers varieties of services then Mansard is a good choice to opt for.

3. Redcare HMO

This HMO is a bit more recent. It was incorporated in April 2009 and it is registered with the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS). This HMO’s services are a bit more affordable. They offer their services to families, individuals, companies, and parastatals. They offer high-end services alongside low-end services.

4. Greenbay HMO

This is a new generation health maintenance organization. It was set up as a response to service delivery challenges that tend to occur within the health care service industry.

This company has been around for 25 years, which is quite some time to gain cumulative experience within the healthcare industry. They offer their services to individuals and employees.

5. Mediplan HMO

This company was incorporated in 2000. They offer their insurance services to some of the best hospitals in Nigeria. They also offer a great experience to their subscribers.

Mediplan Healthcare Limited offers its services to individual and corporate clients. It also offers health cover for the staff and dependants of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Federal Ministry of Works, Federal Ministry of Labour & Productivity, and Federal Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development. They also offer their services to officers of the police force and their dependants in Ondo, Oyo, and Osun states in Nigeria.

Their plans include All purpose Health Plan (APHP), Enhanced Health Plan (EHP), Enhanced Health Plan Plus (EHPP), Ultimate Health Plan (UHP), Super Ultimate Health Plan (SUHP).

6. Oceanic HMO

This company was established and licensed in 2007 by the NHIS, as a provider of managed health care to the Nigerian public. This licensed health care service provider is one of the few that was recently re-accredited by the NHIS.

Becoming a customer of Oceanic HMO means you’ll enjoy managed health care services from some of the best health care centers. You’ll have to visit them and have a talk with them before you can settle for an insurance plan with Oceanic HMO.


As you can see, most HMOs offer lots of options depending on your budget and the kind of health care you desire, this makes HMOs in Nigeria available for everybody from different walks of life. Most of these companies also allow their services to be easily available by developing apps for their customers.

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