How Much Is Braces In Nigeria?

How Much Is Braces In Nigeria

But if you have a crowded, crooked, or misaligned jaw, your specialist would recommend you get an Orthodontics —a dental brace procedure to correct teeth mal-occlusion and mal-alignment.  And if the treatment is imminent, you would want to know how much it could cost you.  So how much is braces in Nigeria? Let’s delve into … Read more

How Much Is DNA Test In Nigeria?

How Much Is Dna Test In Nigeria

If you want to run a DNA test but don’t know how much is DNA test in Nigeria, this article will fill you in.  People conduct a DNA test whenever there is a question mark around paternity, forensics, chromosomes, or genetic condition.  However, a DNA test is way more expensive than your regular malaria and … Read more

Which HMO is the Best in Nigeria?

Having an HMO for you and your family is necessary because health complications are usually unexpected when they happen, and it could be disastrous to you and your family. To save yourself self from financial-draining medical bills, you need to have an HMO, and it must be picked carefully. Which HMO is the Best in … Read more

Can a Physiologist Become a Medical Doctor in Nigeria?

Physiologists are closely related to medical doctors and can perform in several capacities that doctors can’t. However, a Physiologist is not a medical doctor and so, won’t be able to acquire medical licenses or work in government hospitals as a medical practitioner. Can a Physiologist Become a Medical Doctor in Nigeria? Yes, it is possible … Read more

Can a Nurse Open a Hospital in Nigeria?

In order to avoid mixing things up, we need to clearly define what a hospital is in the Nigerian context compared to similar healthcare facilities. According to the Lagos State Health Facility Monitoring and Accreditation Agency (HEFAMAA), a hospital is a premises with facilities for medical investigation, diagnosis, and treatment. These facilities include those required … Read more

Can a Nurse Open a Pharmacy in Nigeria?

A pharmacy is where drugs are dispensed to patients. It could be a section of a hospital and it can exist as a standalone massive drug store (known as a community pharmacy). A pharmacy is quite different from a patent medicine store (popularly called “chemist shop” in Nigeria), which is permitted by law to dispense … Read more